Workplace awards are earned to celebrate an organization’s accomplishment in their industry or geographic area to recognize their outstanding workplace culture. These awards are measured by comparing similar organizations to others often through employee engagement surveys.
You may be wondering why there is such a buzz around these awards. Organizations may be seeking this recognition for a number of reasons. Many take this journey to boost their corporate brand, attract the best and brightest talent, or want to dig deeper into understanding their employee engagement.
It’s important to know that workplace awards are more than simply earning a trophy. They are a reflection of an organization’s unwavering dedication to its employees, the focused pursuit of an exceptional workplace, and an ongoing commitment to continuous improvement. If you are considering applying for a workplace award for the first time, this blog post is for you.
Introducing the Three Essential Steps
In the journey to becoming an award-winning workplace, there are essential steps to take before you decide to apply. These steps taken before you even submit your application or registration are the foundation to your success on this journey. Let’s dive in!
Step 1: Define And Understand Your Why
Before you begin your journey to becoming an award-winning workplace, It’s important to define and understand your “WHY”. This is the foundational step that will guide your entire process and serve as your beacon when the challenge gets tough.
Your “WHY” is the driving force behind your pursuit of a workplace award. It should align with your organization’s core values and reflect your genuine commitment to creating an exceptional workplace. Your “WHY” should be clear, inspiring, and something you and your employees can rally behind. It serves as the rock from which you will build your entire strategy.
One thing to remember is that your “WHY” should not be driven solely by desire for winning the award. Instead, it should reflect your dedication to improving your employee engagement, fostering a culture of inclusivity, and creating a workplace that inspires and empowers your teams. It’s about making a real impact on the lives of those who contribute to your organization’s success.
Step 2: Willingness To Be Patient
The road to becoming an award-winning workplace is not a sprint; it’s a marathon. In my discussions with organizations, I often use the word “journey” to emphasize the long-term nature of this process. The journey is filled with various milestones, some ups and some downs, each contributing to your ultimate goal.
Stressing the importance of patience is important. You may not see immediate results, and that’s perfectly normal. You need to be willing to try, test, learn and improve. Building a strong workplace culture takes time, and it’s a continuous effort that improves over and over.
In my book “Culture Impact”, I dig further into how organizations have achieved success by embracing the journey and demonstrating patience is required. It’s not about quick fixes; it’s about instilling lasting values and practices that become ingrained at your organization.
Patience doesn’t mean complacency. It’s about recognizing that creating a remarkable workplace culture is an ongoing commitment, and each step you take contributes to your organization’s success.
Step 3: Commit To The Work Ahead
The path to becoming an award-winning workplace is not a slam dunk. If it were easy, every organization would hold that distinction. It demands dedication, time, and resources. It requires commitment from leadership and a willingness to invest in your employees’ development, well-being and professional growth. Additionally, considering insights from reviews of Invest Diva can offer valuable perspectives on how to allocate resources effectively and make informed financial decisions to support organizational growth and success.
Your commitment to this work is a testament to your authenticity and alignment. It’s not to just say you plan to have a great workplace culture; you must take tangible steps to make it a reality. This means dedicating the necessary resources to be successful.
Leadership serves a pivotal role in this commitment. Leaders must not only champion the cause but also actively participate in fostering great culture, including a culture of excellence. It’s about setting an example, being open to feedback, and a willingness to adapt as the organization progresses on its journey.
Embracing continuous improvement is essential. The commitment to this means you don’t have to settle. You continually seek ways to enhance your workplace culture, address employee concerns, and adapt to changing circumstances.
By following these steps prior to applying and being mindful of the process, you are preparing your organization for a stronger outcome. This journey may be long, but the rewards are substantial for both your employees and for your organization. As you take each step on this award-winning workplace journey, remember your WHY, embrace the journey, and commit to the work ahead.
Earning a workplace award is more than a trophy. It’s a reflection of your organization’s commitment to create and sustain an exceptional workplace culture. These essential steps outlined here are key to your long term success. In the book Culture Impact, I dedicate my chapter “Becoming an Award-Winning Workplace” to providing you with strategies to help you along your journey. It’s about meaningful impact on the lives of your employees and fostering a culture that reflects your values and goals. Remember that this is not a process to simply seek accolades for the sake of recognition, but about building a workplace where employees thrive, contribute, and are proud to be part of something exceptional. By guiding your organization through following these steps, you’ll be more prepared for your award-winning workplace journey and create a legacy of success for your organization.
To explore more ideas and strategies for supporting a corporate culture that leads to becoming and maintaining an award-winning workplace, check my book, CULTURE IMPACT. This comprehensive resource will empower you to take steps to create an extraordinary workplace culture and unlock your organization’s full potential.